
Saturday, March 9, 2013

Arch+Details: Arches

It has been a while that I have posted anything on my blog, especially an entry for my most popular series: Arch:Details. I started this series a few months ago because I was frustrated that I couldn't find a site where I can find specific examples of various architectural details; hence the name of my series. So I have stripped down Architecture to its most basic aspects and shared it with my viewers.  I have done features on doors, windows, floors etc where through imagery I present a variety of examples; some extreme samples and traditional ones. The purpose of this series other than the one I mentioned above is to allow my viewers imagination run a hundred miles an hour, and for you guys to see how detailed and unique designers/architects go with a basic structure element. Architecture is the greatest form of art because of its versatility and freedom. It is not restricted by a piece of paper or canvas. The fact it is also inhabitable is incredible because you can't walk into a painting, but the physical aspect of architecture creates a mystique feeling because you can touch and walk through the "art." 

This week I am spotlighting arches! At Columbia I took Indian and Roman Art and Architecture and it was awesome to see how two different nations took the same simple detail and made it their own. For you who don't know, Columbia's campus looks straight out of antiquity with buildings like our two libraries. We essentially have our own Parthenon and Pantheon facing each other in the middle of campus. I already had a great interest in the style, and it helped that I went to a school that used it to form its main campus. The Romans took architecture to a whole different level with how complex, creative and large their projects were. One of the elements that really defined their Empire was the arch. They were the first civilization that mastered its maximum potential as a structure element and due to this, we associate arches with Rome. A lot more ornamental in their designs, Indian's not only used arches as a structural element but as an aesthetic detail by creating different styles. Arches were a vital element to both civilizations, and it is amazing how two different worlds took the same thing and made it their own. 

They come in different shapes, sizes and styles, and throughout time many civilizations have been inspired by the Romans and Indians in their designs. America is the biggest evidence of this, and if you don't believe me just visit Washington D.C. and tell me we weren't influenced by the Romans. By changing its dimensions you can support any weight and structure if done properly, but nowadays designers have begun to use the arch shape as a design element. In some of the photos below you can see that some of the arches have no structural purpose at all, but rather an aesthetic and texture detail to create a mystique feel to the house/building. Check out the examples I have found this past week!!! Enjoy!! (CLICK on the photos to get a better look at them!!)
















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